ISTP MBTI type: The Craftsman
I - ISTP definition and how to determine who is The Virtuoso
1. What is ISTP?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classifies people into one of 16 personality types, and ISTP is one of them (MBTI). ISTP personality types are fiercely independent and enjoy their alone time. Action, novelty, hands-on activities, and the ability to work at their own pace are other things that ISTPs enjoy.
ISTPs like to disassemble things to learn how they operate. Although they are logical and rational, they are more drawn to concrete examples than abstract concepts. They enjoy trying new things and can get quickly bored with routines.
A relatively uncommon personality type is the ISTP. The Center for Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT) estimates that 4% to 6% of people are ISTPs. They point out that men experience this type more frequently (6%–9%) than women (2%–3%).
Primary ISTP Characteristics:
- Result-oriented: Individuals with an ISTP personality are goal-directed. When there is a problem, they want to identify the root cause as soon as possible and put a solution in place.
- Open to new experiences: ISTPs are open to new things and are sometimes risk-takers or thrill-seekers. They frequently partake in dangerous or frantic pastimes like ice hockey, hang gliding, motorcycling, surfing, and bungee jumping. In some cases, they might opt for careers in the racing, aviation, or firefighting industries in order to pursue their sense of adventure.
- Objective: They favor making decisions based on facts rather than their own values or beliefs.
- ISTPs are frequently characterized as quiet but with a laid-back attitude toward others. They are reserved but even-tempered. At work or in situations where they have a lot in common with others, they may be talkative.
- ISTPs are not good at reading other people's emotions, which can lead to the perception that they are emotionally cold, insensitive, or unfeeling. They separate themselves from their own feelings as well, ignoring them until they become unbearable.
- Reasonable: One misunderstanding about ISTPs is that they are the silent, stoic type. Although they have a tendency to be reserved, this does not mean that they do not feel powerful emotions. Instead, they excel at maintaining composure under pressure and being objective.
2. ISTPs characters - Who is The Virtuoso
A Virtuoso (ISTP) or Craftsman is a person who possesses the personality traits of Introversion, Observation, Thinking, and Prospecting. They frequently have an individualistic mindset and pursue their goals with little help from others. They approach life with curiosity and individual skill, changing their strategy as necessary.
Virtuosos enjoy touching and examining their surroundings with a combination of spirited curiosity and cool rationalism. This personality type is naturally creative, jumping from project to project, creating the necessary and unnecessary just for fun, and absorbing information from their surroundings. Virtuosos, who are frequently mechanics and engineers, find no greater joy than getting their hands dirty by disassembling things and reassembling them just slightly better.
Virtuosos use creation, problem-solving, trial-and-error, and first-hand experience to explore ideas. They appreciate when others show an interest in their work, and occasionally they don't even mind when people invade their personal space. That is, of course, assuming that those individuals respect Virtuosos' principles and freedom and are amenable to Virtuosos repaying the favor in kind.
Virtuosos enjoy helping others and sharing their knowledge, especially with those they care about, so it's a shame they're so rare—only about 5% of people are considered virtuosos. Virtuoso women are particularly uncommon, and the conventional gender roles that society tends to expect can be a poor fit for them — they frequently grow up being labeled as tomboys.
3. ISTP Preferences
3.1 Introversion
People who feel energized by spending time with their inner selves are said to be introverts. As a result, ISTPs internalize information and are preoccupied with their own world. ISTPs like to be by themselves because it helps them recharge. ISTPs are likely to blend into the background and make few connections when placed in social situations. ISTPs are internally aware and rather quiet, private, and deliberate.
3.2 Sensing
As Sensing types, ISTPs process information using their five senses and are incredibly straightforward and direct. They have a realistic perspective and are methodical in their actions. The Virtuosos are the best at appreciating the present moment and like to keep things realistic and useful. They are incredibly optimistic and dislike thinking about the past or the future. Rarely do ISTPs have a propensity for depressive disorders.
3.3 Thinking
The third ISTP preference, Thinking, describes how they approach making decisions. They think very analytically and rationally, and they base their decisions on what their mind tells them (rather than what their heart feels is right). Critical thinkers, ISTPs have been called robotic at times. The ability to put aside personal feelings is something that The Virtuosos value, and because of this, it is simple for them to solve complex problems.
3.4 Perceiving
The best traits of ISTPs as Perceiving types are flexibility and adaptability. They are, however, also regarded as one of the least organized types and are best learners on the go. They hardly ever have a plan of action, but it always seems to work out for them. ISTPs are spontaneous and frequently the ones to alter course in the middle of an activity. If you are familiar with an ISTP, you are aware of how quickly they can make or change plans. Additionally, ISTPs find routine boring and dislike it.
II - Strengths and Weaknesses of the ISTP
Like all personality types, ISTPs have assets and liabilities that influence how they behave. Let's examine a few of them to determine why this type is so divisive.
Strengths |
Weakness |
1. ISTP Strengths
- Positive and energized - Virtuosos are frequently immersed in a variety of projects. People with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive ones) are upbeat and kindhearted, rarely stressed out, and prefer to go with the flow.
- Virtuosos are very imaginative when it comes to crafts, mechanics, and other practical matters. They easily come up with original ideas, and they enjoy putting them into practice with their hands.
- Spontaneous and Rational - By fusing spontaneity and logic, Virtuosos can effortlessly change their perspectives to suit various circumstances, making them adaptable and multifaceted people.
- Know How to Prioritize - This adaptability comes with a certain amount of unpredictability, but Virtuoso personalities are able to reserve their spontaneity for a rainy day, releasing it only when it is most needed.
- Great in a Crisis - It's no surprise that Virtuosos are naturals in crisis situations given their abundance of hands-on creativity and spontaneity. This personality type typically enjoys a small amount of physical risk and isn't afraid to get their hands dirty when the occasion demands it.
- Relaxed - Despite everything, Virtuosos manage to maintain a calm demeanor. They don't dwell on the past or the future, preferring to live in the present and follow the flow.
2. ISTP Weakness
- As easily as Virtuosos follow the flow, they can also completely ignore it. They typically move in a different direction without much apologies or sensitivity. Virtuosos have a tendency to become quite blunt in their annoyance if someone tries to influence their habits, lifestyle, or beliefs through criticism.
- Virtuosos use logic, and even when they try to meet people halfway by demonstrating empathy and emotional sensitivity, their words rarely seem to come out quite right, if they are even said at all.
- Virtuoso personalities are notoriously difficult to get to know because they are private and reserved. Since they are true introverts, they keep their private lives private and frequently just prefer silence to small talk.
- Easily bored - Virtuosos are excellent experimenters because they love novelty, but they are much less reliable when it comes to maintaining focus over the long term. Virtuosos usually just move on to something new and more interesting once something is understood.
- Long-term commitments are especially difficult for Virtuosos, who dislike them. They prefer to take each day as it comes, and they find it oppressive to feel trapped in a situation for an extended period of time. This can be particularly difficult for Virtuosos in their love lives.
- Risky Behavior: This stubbornness, difficulty dealing with other people's emotions, momentary focus, and ease of boredom can result in pointless and counterproductive boundary-pushing done for fun. Virtuosos have been known to intensify conflict and danger just to see where it goes, but if they lose control of the situation, the results could be disastrous for everyone nearby.
III - ISTP Cognitive Processes and ISTP-A / ISTP-T
1. The cognitive function of ISTP
According to the MBTI, people have a variety of cognitive abilities, including thinking, sensing, feeling, and intuition, which can be focused either outwards (extroverted) or inwards (introverted) (extraverted). The MBTI contends that each person's personality is made up of their hierarchical arrangement of these functions.
Although the auxiliary function also plays a significant supporting role, the dominant function is the most obvious aspect of personality. The secondary and inferior functions are less crucial and can function largely unconsciously or become more obvious under stress.
Dominant: Introverted Sensing
ISTPs can categorize and evaluate the information they receive thanks to the introverted thinking function. Because of that function, ISTPs are also comfortable working with their hands or engaging in physical activity. They are driven to grow in their lives primarily by their love of understanding how things operate.
- ISTPs spend a lot of time in their heads processing information and thinking. As a result, they are frequently referred to as being quiet because they do not spend much time verbally expressing themselves.
- Although an ISTP's decision-making process may appear to be very haphazard, their actions are actually the result of careful observation and consideration.
- They interact with the world logically and rationally, so they frequently have an emphasis on things that appear useful and practical.
- Because they are so logical, ISTPs are good at making decisions by avoiding subjective or emotional considerations and viewing situations objectively. As a result of their tendency to place more emphasis on action and outcomes than on feelings, people with this personality type can be challenging to get to know.
Additional: Extraverted Attitude
The Extroverted Sensing function reveals upbeat, joyous inclinations. It is the capacity to trust things that can be perceived through one's five senses—sight, sound, touch, and smell. It can live "in the moment" because the experience has given it energy. The ability to process information in that way, along with their desire for a physical challenge, is what motivates ISTPs in life.
- ISTPs favor living in the moment and tackling challenges one at a time. They frequently shy away from long-term commitments and prefer to concentrate on the "here and now" rather than consider potential future plans and outcomes.
- ISTPs are frequently very logical and enjoy discovering and comprehending how things work. They might disassemble a mechanical device just to examine its internals.
- They are adept at comprehending abstract and theoretical information, but unless they can see some sort of practical application, they are not particularly interested in such things.
Tertiary: Introverted Thinking
A sense of the future can be had thanks to this ability. This might seem paradoxical given that we've previously stated that ISTPs aren't the best at making plans. However, ISTPs also have ambition and seek out opportunities for growth. They must therefore be able to see the bigger picture and entertain the idea of new possibilities if they are to achieve their goals.
- In the ISTP personality, this function frequently operates largely unconsciously. Although they typically aren't interested in abstract concepts, they might try to implement or apply them in some way.
- This function is responsible for the "gut feelings" that ISTPs occasionally have when making decisions. This personality trait may be in charge of sudden "aha" moments of insight by combining data from the dominant and auxiliary functions.
Inferior: Extraverted Intuition
With the help of this ability, ISTPs can adapt their behavior to fit the needs of others and come to terms with the fact that people respond differently depending on the circumstance. It also makes The Virtuoso exceptionally flexible and able to adjust to new circumstances.
- The ISTP personality has a tendency to operate in the background in this area, but under pressure it can emerge more clearly.
- ISTPs occasionally exhibit sudden emotional outbursts in highly charged situations. They frequently suppress their own emotions until they become overwhelming, which can result in inappropriate emotional outbursts.
2. Assertive Mediator (ISTP-A) vs. Turbulent Mediator (ISTP-T)
Some test variations divide this type into the ISTP-A (assertive identity) and ISTP-T subtypes (turbulent identity). While turbulent ISTPs are more likely to have self-doubt, assertive ISTPs are more likely to feel confident in their knowledge and skills.
The differences between ISTP-A and ISTP-T:
- Virtuosos who are assertive are more likely to believe they know how to do something best.
- Virtuosos who experience turmoil frequently look for new hobbies.
- When performing an activity, assertive Virtuosos are less likely to think about the worst-case scenario.
- If they make a mistake, turbulent Virtuosos are much more likely to begin questioning their skills, knowledge, or self-worth.
- Significantly fewer assertive Virtuosos compare themselves to others or worry about fitting in.
- Virtuosos who experience turmoil frequently feel out of control or when things go wrong.
- The likelihood that an assertive Virtuoso feels in control of their emotions is much higher, and their anger usually subsides more quickly.
- Virtuosos with turbulent personalities are somewhat less likely to be at ease with the majority of themselves.
- Turbulent Virtuosos are more likely to feel ambitious and think that it will lead to success than Assertive personality variants.
IV - ISTPs in Compatibility
ISTPs aren't compatible with all other types because they are a self-assured, introverted, and occasionally even arrogant type. Some of them simply irritate them, while others don't mesh well with their vivacious personalities. Despite this, The Virtuosos are attentive listeners and, in contrast to popular belief, are not as callous as they appear. They simply communicate in a direct manner. If you're interested in learning more about ISTP compatibility with other personality types, you might find our article on ISTP relationships to be of interest.
ISTPs, who belong to the SP temperament (also known as Originators), are enthusiastic and seek out companions who share their passion for exploration. They therefore tend to get along best with people who share the Sanguine temperament. They make the perfect fun couple and serve as an illustration of how two plusses can work well together.
The SJ temperament, on the other hand, is the least enthused by the spirited and vivacious ISTP. That category includes organized and ideologically motivated types. They are the complete antithesis of the ISTP's carefree nature and the SP temperament as a whole. They're most likely to engage in conflict because they won't be able to find any points of agreement.
But how do ISTPs behave in their friendships and relationships? What personalities best fit this realistic persona? Let's see what these free spirits do in these circumstances.
1. Personal Relationships
ISTPs are introverts who frequently exhibit quiet reserve. They enjoy novel experiences and detest rigid schedules. They are fiercely independent and dislike feeling in charge in relationships. Although the ISTP has trouble committing, they will work very hard to maintain relationships that hold their interest.
They don't frequently express their feelings to others. They like to hear what other people have to say, but they tend to keep their own opinions to themselves. For these reasons, ISTPs are sometimes referred to as awkward or hard to get to know. They frequently make friends who share their interests in hobbies and enjoy hanging out with them while engaging in these activities.
2. Romantic Relationships
ISTPs are autonomous. They detest being controlled and dislike having their beliefs overruled. You'll probably get an eye roll and a deep breath in response if you try to correct an ISTP for their actions or behaviors. Because of this, The Virtuosos do not let their partner make all the decisions in their relationships.
The ISTP personality type is also known for having a very difficult time being emotionally available. Early on in a relationship, they are able to easily meet their partner's physical needs, but when forced to express their emotions or talk about their feelings, they frequently become frightened.When their partner needs their emotional support, they feel awkward and frequently are unsure of how to respond.
On the other hand, ISTPs are adept at making themselves useful to their partners if they are in a committed relationship. In the event that they are ever confronted, they look for workable solutions to their issues. They don't use words to express their love; they show it through their actions, but that doesn't make it any less real. They may come across as being insensitive in their communication style, but this is rarely the case; they simply speak more bluntly.
Let's examine which other types are most compatible with ISTPs in terms of dating after keeping everything in mind.
2.1 ISFP and ISTP
These two types are generally compatible, despite some differences in their respective values. Both ISTPs and ISFPs (or The Adventurer) have a low tolerance for boredom and are primarily motivated by fun. They both fit into the SP personality category and have a similar passion for anything that involves making and crafting.
They respect each other's privacy because they are both introverts. The independent ISTPs place a high value on this. They do, however, have a key distinction that might be problematic. Thinkers are ISTPs, while feelers are ISFPs. In this situation, ISFPs will desire their partner's emotional availability, which is unquestionably an ISTP weakness. If The Virtuosos are not careful in their communication, they might come across as being insensitive and they could hurt their partner's feelings. Overall, those two personality types get along well, but for their relationship to flourish, they must be able to communicate honestly about their needs.
2.2 ISTP and ESTP
The Daredevil, an ESTP, seems to be the ideal partner for the ISTP. ESTPs are incredibly direct, bold, and creative. People who have the courage to follow them on their adventures naturally appeal to ISTPs. Impulsive and action-oriented people are ESTPs. Both types look for dynamics in a relationship and become easily bored if they aren't amused by their partner's way of life. However, there is one distinction that might lead to conflict between them: ESTPs are very extroverted. The Daredevil is a social butterfly who enjoys being in the spotlight. If they don't communicate their way through this, both the relationship and the ISTP's privacy may be in danger.
3. Friendship
ISTPs are extroverted, but they don't have a problem making friends. Their genuine curiosity and diverse range of interests seem to draw individuals with various temperaments. The Virtuosos seek relationships with people who they can be authentic with and who they can do things with. It's not difficult to be around them because they are laid-back and accept others without bias. The challenge is digging below the surface.
Like their romantic relationships, ISTPs have a difficult time committing to one specific person. They don't feel compelled to alter their behavior to suit others' plans. Simply put, they prefer to do things on their own, and if you're willing to follow along that's great, but if not, that's too bad because they probably won't really care.
3.1 ISTP and INTP
Quiet is a common way to describe INTPs, also known as The Logician. They initially share a lot in common with ISTPs in that they both use introverted thinking and are capable of creating amazing things. They both like to think logically and they both prefer to manage their time independently. This implies that they won't be overly attached to each other and will respect each other's need for solitude when they are friends. Due to their similar communication styles, their conversations will flow smoothly and be enjoyable for both parties. There are some distinctions between them, though. While INTPs are fixated on their tasks and obligations, ISTPs have excellent taste and know how to enjoy life. They could each teach the other a few things about that. Overall, if they accept and value their differences, they might become great friends.
3.2 ISTP and INTJ
Both ISTPs and INTJs are Introverted Thinkers who prefer to be alone and who base their decisions on logical reasoning. INTJs are also known as The Mastermind. When their friends need to express their emotions, The Virtuoso and the INTJ both feel uncomfortable. However, INTJs are organized and have a keen intuition. Therefore, INTJs should refrain from exerting undue pressure on the ISTPs and give them room to exercise their own judgment. They might become a power couple if their expectations for their friendship are in line with one another's (of friends).
4. Parenthood Relationship
Free-spirited ISTPs find it difficult to adapt to parenting routines. Additionally, they are emotionally indifferent and value their independence—two characteristics that don't exactly mesh with parenthood. But ISTPs are flexible enough to manage parenting. If they decide to become parents, their characteristics could result in an excellent parenting style. They are patient with their children and have a laid-back attitude. They typically don't put any pressure on their children to follow their own paths, and most of the time they are accepting and understanding of them. Because ISTPs don't overprotect their children, their true selves can be explored and embraced without fear of rejection. Children of ISTPs adore this attitude and frequently flourish in it.
The ISTP parenting approach is distinct and perfectly aligns with the modern conception of a parent. They don't often enforce strict rules around their kids and prefer for them to learn through trial and error. They approach parenting the same way they approach everything else in life: calmly and pragmatically, while valuing uniqueness and exploration. More than any other personality type, ISTPs allow their children more freedom.
If The Virtuoso has a schedule at all, they prefer to stick to it and don't impose their ways on their kids. This might work at first, but as the children get older, it will become harder for them to cooperate with household organization and discipline. Because of this, ISTPs frequently rely on their partners to establish the ground rules at home.
Giving their kids emotional support is something The Virtuosos frequently struggle with. They are almost never there for their kids when they need emotional support due to their Introverted Thinking preferences. They do have practical problem-solving skills, but they're not the best person to cry on. This may make it difficult for them to form strong bonds with their kids. Because of this, ISTPs require an emotional partner to counterbalance their tendency toward logic.
V - ISTPs at work
What kind of work is appropriate for the ISTP has only been briefly discussed up to this point. However, it's also crucial to highlight the tasks that ISTPs struggle with. They find it difficult to work in occupations that require a lot of social interaction. Additionally, ISTPs favor working independently, on their own timetable, and at their own pace. If their work is not varied, they are prone to getting bored and having trouble staying focused. An ISTP may act irrationally if they are not happy with their job. It is crucial that they enjoy what they are doing.
But exactly what is that? What professions are best suited for this independent and pragmatist type?
1. ISTP in Workplace Customs
The most important thing that Virtuosos look for in a job is frequently a sense of excitement and unpredictability. Due to this trait, even relationships with close friends and family members can be difficult for Virtuoso personalities; for people they have only met in a professional setting, it can even be downright frustrating.
Knowing what makes each person tick is, of course, the key to understanding this. Virtuosos can be among the most productive people if given enough room and a practical problem to solve. Like trying to fit anyone else into a mold that doesn't fit, trying to force people with the Virtuoso personality type doesn't work. Embracing their distinctive viewpoint and gifts can produce extraordinary outcomes.
2. ISTP Career Matches
Because they prefer to use their hands, ISTPs are frequently referred to as The Tinkerer or The Craftsman. They prefer physical activity as part of their work and prefer to see the immediate results of their actions. If they haven't already, ISTPs may want to think about the careers we've listed.
2.1 Engineering
The curiosity of ISTPs is focused on understanding how things operate. As engineers, they frequently have to think intricately and solve problems in order to arrive at logical solutions, which are all essential ISTP traits. Every day, tech professionals get to create amazing new things. And that's precisely what ISTPs look for in a job.
2.2 Law Enforcement
Only when a person's job involves a dynamic work environment can their never-ending ISTP curiosity be satiated. They would therefore be ideal for positions in law enforcement. The ISTP who thrives in a fast-paced environment will benefit from these jobs. Additionally, their capacity for objectivity enables them to maintain an original point of view and shields them from bias.
VI - Famous ISTPs you might know
The Tinkerers are tenacious and driven individuals who frequently appear in various spheres of society. Popular musicians, actors, and athletes in particular are thought to be ISTPs. ISTPs are action-oriented people, so it may surprise you that they would want to be well-known. They are some of the most well-known celebrities because of their sense of adventure and ease with change.
There are many ISTPs in fictional characters, which is an example of life imitating art. ISTPs are among the most well-known fictional characters in a variety of media, including books, movies, comics, and animation. They are frequently portrayed as the mystical introvert who overcomes all challenges. Due to their dark and biting sense of humor, they are occasionally even referred to as the villain.
We'll discuss several of the most well-known ISTP individuals as well as a large number of fictional ISTP characters in the paragraphs that follow. We do, however, have a whole other article on famous ISTPs if you're interested in learning more about the most well-known ISTPs.
1. ISTP Actors & Filmmakers
ISTPs are exceptional actors. They typically don't mind being the center of attention as long as they're the ones leading the parade, even though they don't necessarily aim to be it. They prefer to complete tasks independently and on their own timetable. They can therefore be excellent at it if given the creative freedom to manage things. Additionally, ISTPs detest routine and favor careers that can offer them enough variety to keep them engaged. They are very adaptable and enjoy taking on new challenges, like taking on new roles. They enjoy doing (or being) something different every day and can quickly get into character. They are inspired to perform and excel as actors in this kind of dynamic setting.
- Bruce Lee
- Demi Moore
- Kristen Stewart
- Tom Cruise
- Clint Eastwood
- Christian Bale
- Scarlett Johansson
2. ISTP Journalists and Broadcasters
ISTPs are a personality type that is impatient and active. Additionally, when considering their potential career paths, ISTPs favor occupations that are more physically demanding or require the use of tools and gadgets. With all of that in mind, writing doesn't seem to be the best career choice for an ISTP. That's not necessarily the case, though. ISTPs derive their energy from their thoughts, ideas, and inner world. Despite their direct and unambiguous communication style, they have excellent communication skills. They have occasionally been characterized as having robotic speech patterns. Writing is a great way for them to express their thoughts and ideas to a world that might not be able to understand them verbally, which is why it can work out for them.
- Ernest Hemingway
- Miyamoto Musashi
- Diogenes the Dog
3. ISTP Musicians
A leading force in an ISTP's life is understanding how things work. They enjoy working on challenging issues, and they occasionally enjoy putting something together just so they can put it back together again. ISTPs feel that learning to play an instrument is the ideal challenge for them to take on. Despite not being the most creative, musicians need to be technically proficient. Additionally, it comes naturally to them. When their work involves gadgets and tools, they get excited because of their propensity for hands-on activities (hence the instruments).
Rappers are frequently found to be ISTPs. Hip-hop and rap music is an easy way to interact with listeners. Most of the lyrics are unfiltered and raw, and they are written in a direct style. It has a clear beat that the song revolves around and disregards any kind of abstract audience interaction. Sometimes, ISTPs are more taken with the music's tone and rhythm than with its deeper meaning. Due to their inclination to master sound, ISTPs Ti and Se are drawn to beat-making and fast-paced genres like rap. In addition, their tertiary Ni contributes to the sudden ideas that come to them.. Though ISTPs may appear uncaring, the truth is that they simply lack emotional expression. And what better medium to convey your emotions subtly than sound? This is why many creative musicians are probably ISTPs. It's the most convenient way for them to express emotion. They typically do this in a playful and enjoyable manner, as is customary for ISTPs. And you can't argue against their capacity for amusement.
- Miles Davis
- Angus Young
- Eminem
- Frank Sinatra
4. ISTP Characters in Fiction
Characteristically, ISTPs are independent, fearless, and adventurous, which gives them an advantage in trying any circumstances.
- Arya Stark, Game of Thrones
- Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones
- James Bond, James Bond