
License or Sponsor the SocioSite

Millions of people enjoy the SocioSite, 
but we need more resources to go on.

The SocioSite is almost 10 years in the internet air. It has been successful in several ways. We have received high credits from all over the world. SocioSite has been called:

  • The Web’s definitive reference for researching any subject in society;
  • A brilliant site and even a miracle;
  • An excellent stock of sociological resources;
  • By far the best sociology site;
  • A super source of information;
  • A well-organized & user-friendly site;
  • A comprehensive megasite;
  • A revolutionary site.

A selection of the credits is published the Credit page of the Sociosite.

SocioSite has become a very popular place to visit. We have a still growing amount of visitors. The SiteStatistics shows the details.

Many organizations and people have made links to the SocioSite. They come from the European countries and the USA, but also from Japan, Korea, Brazil. You can visit the Reciprocal page to see a list of these links.

It has been a hell of a job to make the SocioSite what it is today. And it will take many efforts and resources to keep this site what it was meant to be: an accurate and comprehensive collection of resources in the social sciences. We intend to expand this gateway to include resources from all countries in the world and from all fields of the social sciences. Without some sponsoring this will be impossible to realize.

SocioSite License will give you the right to integrate (parts of) the information system into your own site. We guarantee the continuity and high quality of the information pages that you can use as a SocioSite Partner.

If you are interested in sponsoring the SocioSite or want to acquire a license to include - parts of the - SocioSite on your own website, we would be very pleased to discuss the details. For further information please contact us.