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“What a wonderful page you have made for we sociologists.
I gave you top billing in my Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace. Congrats and thanks.”
[Prof. Dr. Michael C. Kearl, Department of Sociology & Antropology, Trinity University, Texas, USA].
“SocioSite is an excellent addition to the growing stock of sociological resources on the Web. Its presence typifies the international cooperation which the Web makes possible. Congratulations and best wishes.”
[Craig McKie, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University. Ottawa, Ontario]
“A great site that links students of sociology to many interesting, sociologically relevant locations in cyberspace.”
Prof. Dr. Douglas E. Martin, Northeastern State University, USA]
“It’s a good site, you’ve been working hard! The site’s looking better all the time!”
[Professor Robert van Krieken, University of Sydney, Australia]
“My congratulation on a wonderful, deep, well-organized site.
I have collected many links from your pages.”
“Yours is a wonderful Web site.”
[Prof. Dr. Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara, Voice of the Shuttle].
“This site is a very comprehensive collection of works dealing with the sociologists and theorists. It is a strong backbone for anyone furthering their knowledge on politics.”�
[Carolina Ward, University of Central Florida, USA]“It’s an excellent resource directory. I'm pleased to put it on my sociology list”.
[Prof. Dr. Jerry Banister, Western Connecticut State University, USA]“In sum Sociosite is the best social theory site”
[Prof. Paul C. Olson, Waubonsee Community College, USA ]
“I’m very impressed with the scope and depth of SocioSite.”
[John Catalano, who made a fantastic site on Richard Dawkins]
“Ich freue mich über die vielen lobenden Worte für Deine SocioSite, denen ich mich nachdrücklich anschließen möchte. Ich habe schon viele interessante Sites mit Hilfe Deiner Zusammenstellung gefunden. Hoffentlich bleibt Dir auch künftig genügend Zeit und Lust, diesen Service zu pflegen.”
[Dr. Joachim Loose, Homepage or Institut für Soziologie,
Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena]
“Wat een prachtig karwei heb je gedaan.”
[Dr. Leon Deben, Sociology Department, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands]
[Prof. Dr. A.W.M. Teulings, Sociology Department, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands]
“Wat een prachtig overzicht!”
[Henk Jansen, SISWO - Vraagbaak, Amsterdam, Netherlands]
“Ik heb je site diagonaal doorgewandeld en ik moet zeggen dat het er perfect uitziet. Ik verwacht in de toekomst nog vaak langs te komen voor informatie.”
[Paul Sweere, PZnet BV, Nijmegen, Netherlands]
“I just wanted to thank you for compiling the web page of departments of sociology. I have found it to be an unsurpassed source of information ... in my search for graduate programs in sociology. Sometimes very helpful things go unthanked in our alienated technoglorified culture - so, THANKS!”
[Adeline M. Violas, BA in Sociology and Anthropology]
"Very well done."
[Sam Pizzigati, editor of Too Much, the quarterly newsletter of Share the Wealth, an American activist organization based in Boston]
"Your Website is interesting and looks very professional."
[Frank Hartmann, Forum Sozialforschung, Austria]
“SocioSite looks pretty impressive. In fact it looks as if it is working toward the sort of site I was hoping to create some time. Thanks. And keep up the good work.”
[Terry Wassall, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK]
“Ik wil U allen hartelijk danken voor alle informatie die hier op site staat.Als gepensioneerd docent zou ik alle scholen adviseren om hier kennis van te nemen.Mijn conclusie is:Hier zou les in moeten worden gegeven.”
[R.J. van der Sluis].
"This is a wonderful site! Visiting it for the first time, I found it to be an excellent resource of information. You manged not only to make it tremendously informative but intresting as well. Great Job!"
[Jennifer Schulte, political science major, University of Central Florida, USA]
"A very comprehensive and well-organised site."
[Alan Dordoy, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK]
"Impressive, great !!"
[Johann Froehlich]
"What a great web site! It's people like you who make the internet community such a pleasant experience. I've added SocioSite to our department pages in Stockholm and I will recommend it to my colleagues. I hope you don't mind. Keep up the good work!
[Christofer Edling, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden]
"Congratulations for your brilliant site! Probably the best sociology-site on the web these days."
[Jan W. Schuhmacher, Universität Heidelberg, Germany]
"I congratulate you for your good website."
[Rajwinder Singh, New Delhi, India]
"Dat ziet er heel goed uit !"
[Hans Roest, NLmenu Religion - Church]
"I saw your SocioSite pages to find they are enormously helpful. I am broadcasting SocioSite to my friends."
[Tanaka Sigeto, Department of Sociology, Osaka University, Japan]
"Een indrukwekkend overzicht van informatie en sites."
[Marcel Wilders, Advisor on Occupational Health & Safety, Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV]
"Incredible site, very informative and easy to navigate, this has made my study in the realm of Sociology much easier... keep it up."
[Jordan Davis, Political Science student,University of Central Florida]
"SocioSite is by far the best sociology site I have seen!"
[David Fisher, Electronic Library Resources, Nottingham Trent University, UK]
“Impressive, great !!”
[Johonn Frölich, Studienrichtung Soziologie, University of Salzburg, Austria].
“Your 'service' goes far beyond a purely Dutch perspective and certainly merits to be continuously developed and completed.”
[Jürgen Feick, Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, Germany]
"I've just visited your great and excellent site. It's wonderful for our Japanese social scientists. Your project is well worth world wide seeing,"
[Professor Akama Michio, Ethime University, Japan]
“Wat een prachtige home-page!”
[Loet Leydesdorff, Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands]
“Die beste zur Zeit erhältiche Internetographie zur Soziologie, umfangreich und gut gepflegt; eine echte Fundgrube.”
[Dr. Lorenz Gräf, Sozioland: Internetographie, Universität Köln, Germany]
“A Great Site.”
[Gösta H. Lovgren, Pollution Abatement & Reduction Councils (PARC), Sweden]
“This site ... is a large meta-site that is international in scope and European in flavor, although there are also pointers to non-European sites. Its main page contains annotated pointers to sites in 24 main topic areas from data archives to subject areas (106 at this time, from activism to work). Sites are accompanied by brief annotations, and when geographic breakouts are available, they often contain the Dutch, then European, then non-European sites. Unfortunately there is no search utility, which would help users navigate the hundreds of pointers. And in some cases, even in a field this broad, pointers wander to the boundaries of the subject matter (and sometimes beyond). That said, this is still an excellent place to start for sociological resources, especially European ones.”
[The Scout Report, University of Wisconson, Madison]
“Absolutely good internet work, I Thank you.”
[Johann Theessen, Hannover, Germany]
“De lijst [godsdienstsociologie] ziet er indrukwekkend uit en vooral heel degelijk uit. Knap werk!”
[Philippe Keulemans, Religion in the Low Countries, Mechelen, Belgium].
“Ich fand deine WWW-Zusammenstellung sehr imponierend.”
[Andreas Boes, University of Marburg, Germany]
“This site offers a convenient guide to a variety of different sociologists. Thank you for making my research easier and more entertaining!”
[Keri Gorman, Political Science student, University of Central Florida]
“This site is great! Thanks for making it available.”
[Tanya Campbell, Peoria, Illinois, USA]
“This site is very useful and easy to navigate. Thank you for making this possible. Congratulations!!”
[Jamie Gioia]
“Ik heb de site net ontdekt: fantastisch!!”
[H.P. den Engelse]
“Vielen dank, der site ist glänzend!!”
[prof. dr. Rainer Rilling, University of Marburg, Germany]
“I tell everybody that your site is great and a good place to start with!”
[Torbjörn Schyberg, Sociologi - SYO-Guiden, Sweden]
“Your project is really god but I think you should add some Latin American points of view.”
[prof. dr. Guri Perez Bruno, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina]
“From what I've seen in sites all around the world in the last months, I can assure you that your site is not a site: it’s a miracle. It’s complete, it’s clear and organized, the links are rich, selected - and many. It’s really revolutionary. Infomine, Yahoo, Virtual Library, etc., just can’t compare.”
[Pedro Dinez de Sousa, Human Sciences Faculty of the New University of Lisbon, Portugal]
"The best collection of sociological links we have ever seen."
[Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) - Vienna, Austria]
“Mijn complimenten voor de SocioSite, ik heb nog geen betere Site voor sociologen ontdekt!”
[Jaap Vermaas, sociology student, Amsterdam, Netherlands]
“De SocioSite is een WONDER. Goed werk.”
[Muriël Kiesel, Administration Sociological Institute Amsterdam, Netherlands]
“Ik vind je page geweldig, helemaal omdat er een link naar mijn homepage de Dutch Real Life News op staat. Keep up the good work.”
[Peter van Zalingen, manager of Dutch Real Life News]
“This excellent site comes from Amsterdam. It is a super source of information. ... It is excellent. I have linked to it and am going to tell my students about it. I will definitely use it myself.”
[Ben S. Austin, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Middle Tennessee State University, USA}
“I’d add a link in our web to the SocioSite because we think it is one of the best sociological websites at this moment.”
[Jesús, SOCILAN - Sociología y Politología Aplicada, Spain]
“What a great and informative website. I used it to complete a political science assignment, which really shows how all the social sciences influence each other.”
[Shelley Marmor - political science and journalism major at the University of Central Florida, USA]
“Mijn welgemeende complimenten voor uw zeer volledige site.“
[Roy Hans, National Director for Computerised Information - ELSA Nederland, The European Law Students’ Association].
“This site contained so many great sources of information about sociologists! I was impressed by the wide variety of people on the list, as well as the amount of sources that could be found for each person. This is definitely a «must-have» in the arsenal of sources for any student who is a political science/sociology major! I would recommend this site to all my classmates!”
[Huney Luv]
“An excellent, all-inclusive site for information on Sociologist�s and their corresponding works. I challenge anyone to find a bigger site on Sociology.”
[John Paulus, University of Central Florida]“Your pages are great.’
[Petri Roponen - University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland]
“You have a great site and I have added it to my links!”
[dr. Larry R. Ridener, Department of Sociology at Baylor University. Dead Sociologist’ Society]
“I just wanted to let you know that I find your site very useful, and also quite amusing. You’ve done a great job, and a service to many others. Congratulations !”
[Eszter Hargittai, Princeton University, USA]
“Your website offered a great wealth of knowledge for the student and/or researcher.”
[Jill Weeks, Student, University of Central Florida, USA]
“It is wonderful !!”
[Margaret Bruno, Sociology and Anthropology, Tufts University, USA]
“SocioSite is incredible. One of the best sociological web site on the world.”
[Luc Bonneville, Le Cybersociologue - Université du Québec á Montréal, Canada]
“Your site is really HUGE. You have an outstanding site... thanks for sharing the results of your labor of love with everyone.”
[Yogesh Malhotra, Editor/Publisher, A Business Researcher’s Interests, Pittsburgh, USA]
“This site has probably the best set of links to web resources of interest to sociologists.”
[Graham Gibbs, University of Huddersfield, USA]
“Mijn complimenten voor de uitgebreide web-site. Het is een ‘Fundgrube’ voor sociologen.”
[Ger Tillekens, Vakgroep Pedagogiek en Onderwijskunde, RuG Groningen, Netherlands]“Thanks for developing what looks a fantastic resource.”
[Malcolm Read, School of Sociology & Social Policy, Middlesex University, London]
“I had a look at your site and am very impressed indeed: its one of the best gateways I know of. Congratulations.”
[dr. Sue Heath, Sociology Department, University of Manchester, UK]
“I think this is a great and informative website. I used it while completing a political science website, which really shows how many similarities and ‘cross-overs’ there are within the social sciences.”
[Shelley Marmor - political science and journalism major-University of Central Florida, USA]
“Congratulations on creating this excellent web site!”
[Dr. Anita van der Wal, Newcastle, Australie]
“That’s a GREAT SITE you’ve got there, Sir.”
[Vomic Nur, Pakistan]
“This is the best sociology site I have ever seen. It's by far the most organized and access information. Congratulation! You have done an amazing job!”
[Vasilica Margarit-University of Central Florida, USA]
“Your site is incredibly impressive... a superb sociology megasite.”
[Scott Plous, Social Psychology Network]
“I very much enjoy your web site.”
[Dr. Allen McCutcheon, Director of Gallup Research Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA]“A wonderful sociological resource page based in Amsterdam!”
Praxis - The Insurgent Sociology Web Site for the University of California, Riverside]
"Congratulations on the great site you have created. Its usefulness extends beyond the border of the community of sociologists. SocioSite has always been a source of inspiration as well as information for my Dutch Connection in Japan."
[Yasuaki Kobashi, Lecturer (Science University of Tokyo) and editor of the Dutch Connection].
“Comprehensive & user-friendly.”
[Australian Sociological Association - (TASA].
“Op deze site vindt u alles over sociologie, waarbij alles nog een understatement is. ... Completer dan deze site zul je ze niet snel vinden.”
[EC rider]
“Thanks for a very useful site!”
[Ezri Carlebach (British Psychological Society), WWW Virtual Library Communications and Telecom]
“I found your page while doing research for my classes. I just wanted to say that your site really impressed me. I will be returning to your site often to help me out with my studies. This is a great help.”
[Shawn P. Eliason, Temple University, College of Arts and Sciences - Sociology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania].
“Just found your web site. Congratulations and thanks for your great work.”
[prof. Jeffrey K. Hadden, Department of Sociology, University of Virginia Charlottesville. He created a great course on new religious movements].“A wonderful resource for sociology literature and on-line materials.”
[Leysia Palen, Graduate Student Researcher, Information & Computer Science University of California, Irvine]“Here’s a terrific list of poverty-related reading online. This site is located in Amsterdam, ... but the focus is world-wide. A great place to start surfing!”
[Zelda, Thinking about Poverty, Iowa, USA]“Wow! This site is like a gold mine!! It has so much good information that I believe it to be helpful to almost any student of social sciences. Thanks for all the hard work in compiling it.”
[Angela Wright, student of political science, University of Central Florida, USA]“Your web site is a wonderful resource. I appreciate your efforts in the creation of your plentiful web site.”
[David Wilkinson, , Sociology of the Internet, University of Kansas, USA]“I enjoyed going through your pages - they are an excellent resource.”
[Mark K. Smith, The informal education homepage, YMCA George Williams College]
“Keep up the great work.”
[Dennis Bowker, Department of Sociology, Washinton State University, USA]
“Congratulations on a superb site. SocioSite is an excellent example of the wonders of the World Wide Web. Thanks for all your work. Live long and prosper!”
[Jack Corse, Reference Librarian, W.A.C. Bennet Library, Simon Fraser University]
"Een prima bibliotheek voor sociale en sociologische surfers van alle landen.
Het bespaart je een massa zoektijd!"
[Anna Missinne, Bravo Neighbours, Leuven, Belgium]
"I like your web. And I will introduce SocioSite to Japanese Sociologists and citizens."
[Nomura Kazuo, Socius, Tokyo, Japan].
"A wonderful resource, even for this social psychologist."
[Stan Sadava, Brock University, Ontario, Canada]
"Your website is a godsend. Kudos for a very fine job."
[Mary Thurston]
“Albert Benschop at the University of Amsterdam has created the Web’s definitive reference for researching any subject in society. It’s vast, yet easily manageable. (...) We can’t say enough about the breadth of this excellent directory, the helpful annotations, and efficient organization. Sociology scholars and, indeed, anyone with a literate interest in human society will want to bookmark SocioSite.”
[Lycos Top 5%]
“May this site live long and prosper.”
[Lea Wellner, an aspiring s-f author, who is researching the fundamentals of maritime law and immigration.]
“Your site contains such a wealth of information. I’ll definitely be referring to it again and again for future coursework. Thank You.”
[Janet C. Cubas, Social Sciences Major, University of Central Florida, USA]
"Gefeliciteerd met je geweldige site! Dit zou een voorbeeld moeten zijn voor alle ander sites. Gemakkelijk informatie vinden over een bepaald onderwerp! Grandioos!"
[Gé Brander, Aalsmeer]
"You have the best website I have even seen for Sociology."
[Adeline M. Violas, Buffalo State College, USA]
"I am a relatively new user of the internet and so far I have not found a web page with so much excellent information available in the social sciences."
[Eric Wilcock, Human Science student Durham England]
"What a dynamic and comprehensive site! A "must" starting place for serious researchers."
[Daniel B. Nickell, Vice President, NET, Inc. Vienna, Virginia USA]
"Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how much I appreciate the work you have done with SocioSite. I think my students might benifit from the information on your page now and in the future. Thanks for the great work!"
[Mike Norgaard, Tarrant County Junior College]
"What a wonderful gift this site is to sociology and those devoted to it! I am new to the Net but have been teaching sociology for over 30 years and feel the information offered here will make my transition to the cyber age much easier and more gratifying."
[Cindy San Giovanni, Dept. of Sociology/Anthropology, Seton Hall University, USA]
"Thanks for preparing this excellent site-relevant materials and well organized. We are pleased to be able to make a great deal of use of the site in our Web-based introductory sociology courses (SOCI 101 and SOCI 102), which students are able to take from anywhere in the world that has Internet access."
[Drs Robert Drislane and Gary Parkinson, Sociology Tutors, and Gayla Chernovsky, Course Designer, Open University, British Columbia, Canada]
"One of the ultimate Sociological/Social Science websites around, a class act to emulate. In the 'Nulli Secundus' category, well done."
[Martin LeatherBarrow, founder of the Social Science Society and website autor, the Southampton Institute]
"This is an outstanding site!"
[Stephen F. Steele, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Society for Applied Sociology]
"I discovered your site last week and, after examining the depth of it today (espcially your listing of sociologists and categories), I felt compelled to write and tell you how grateful I am! Thank you for sharing your site."
[Reuben Roth, Student Sociology and Equity Studies department at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, part of the University of Toronto, Canada]"This is a wonderful site. Very informative and extremely helpful in providing information for assignments."
[Ashley Severance, University of Central Florida]
"I am a student from india doing my bachelors in psychology and sociology from the goa university. I find ur site real great to get some good notes in compiling my answers."
[Sanjay Alberto, India]
"Great Job!"
[Liqun Cao, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology, Easterm Michigan University, USA]
"Simply the best site for all sociology links."
[Radical Links, Missouri-Columbia,USA]
"Sometimes it is very difficult to find information about the different subject areas which sociology covers. This site provides a wide range of links on a variety of topics, including the sociology of aging, business, criminology, drugs, sexuality, and war. This is a very useful site for those people who wish to take their studies of society into a more defined area. "
[Christopher Newman, Link Review]
"A magnificent venture!"
[Prof. John Flood, School of Law, University of Westminster, London. Socio-Legal Studies Association - SLSA]
"Thank you very much for this SocioSite. I am a french teacher in economics and social sciences, and I teach partly in english. This site is really useful for me and my work."
[Nicolas Rossignol, Le Chesne, France]
“SocioSite is an excellent resource for sociologists and student's alike. SocioSite should be at the top of every class resource list and every researchers’s hit list.”
[Mike Sosteric, editor of the Electronic Journal of Sociology - EJS]
"Let me compliment you personally on the outstanding quality of your web site which sets a very high standard for excellence. Your page is a delightful and significant contribution to the world of Sociology. It is an honor for the Department of Anthropology and Sociology to be listed on your page, and I personally look forward to keeping abreast of your good work in the years to come."
[Janice Pierce, Webmaster of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Wisconsin Colleges]
"Wow! What a wonderful source of information for students. With so many topic areas to choose from, I don't think there's anything in the field of sociology you've missed. That in itself is an awesome task! Thank you for your obvious hard work."
[Dawn Payment, Student, University of Central Florida, USA]
"Wat een geweldige, behulpzame site. Mijn complimenten!"
[Barbara Oomen, Van Vollenhoven Institute for law and administration in non-western countries, Leiden University, Netherland]"I would like to congratulate you on such an excellent internet project. It is important for sociologists to have such a resource."
[Paul Galatowitsch, National Development Research Association, New York, USA]
"Gefeliciteerd met uw fantastische Sociosite. Voor zover ik overzicht heb op soorgelijke sites op het web, lijkt het me dat ze tot een van de beste behoort." [Frank Koster, Kwakiutl, Amsterdam, Netherlands]
"I list SocioSite as number one sociological web site. I will introduce this site to Sociologists in China."
[Professor Minjie Zhang, Director of Institute of Sociology at Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, Hangzhou, China]
"Quizá el mejor directorio del mundo de recursos para la sociología."
[Emilio Sáez, Sociología I - Departamento de teoría, metodología u Cambio Social. Uned.]
"Thank you for providing such a usefull and interesting site for further learning. SocioSite makes learning enjoyable and inspires one to participate."
[Craig Nelson, University of Central Florida]
"Excellent your service of information."
[Elías Sevilla Casas, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Editor of Redescripciones]
"I'd like to congratulate you on such an excellent web site for subject areas in sociology. ...I must tell you also that many of our students (we have 900 sociology majors, the most among all U.S. universities) have already gone to your web site through our department's link, and have been very pleased at what they could access. Keep up the good work!"
[prof. dr. Vincent N. Parrillo, Chair William Paterson University, Wayne, USA]
"What a fabulous investigative tool you've provided! I can't get enough of it."
[Trisha Quasney, Social Sciences Student, University of Central Florida, USA]
"Mooie site met heel veel leuke, interessante info over Amsterdam!"
[Marion (Schippie) - one of the driving forces behind which became Women on the Web - WoW, Delft, Netherlands]
"Great Site!!! You've got everything organized so it's easy to find information."
[Catherine A. Roseberry, Ontaria, Canada]
On Telework pages:
"It's a good international web site for both general and specific information on telecommuting. They'll find a lot of good material there."
[Rick Johnson, Director of the Telecommuting Safety & Health Benefits Institute, Burns, Oregon, USA]"De sociosite is een goed startpunt voor vrouwen die geïnteresseerd zijn in diverse soorten informatie (vaak wetenschappelijk) over vrouwen (feminism, gender, women issues)."
[Intermediair]"Known for its unconventionally lenient laws, this introduction to Amsterdam by Bite explains the tolerance and responsibility of Dutch culture as it guides through topics of economy, health, drugs, night life, writing, lifestyles, media, education and politics."
[Snap - City Guides]
"Mijn oprechte complimenten, het is echt een zegen. Handzaam, uitgebreid, informatief, goed gestructureerd, vlot en in correct Nederlands geschreven: kortom alles wat een website behoort te zijn maar al te zelden is. De brede scope en de overzichtelijke structuur hebben me er toe weten te verleiden eens wat meer te lezen over andere vakgebieden dan het mijne."
[Gert Theunissen, student KULeuven, Belgium]
"We have been fortunate to be associated with a quality site such as yours. Thank you (...) for the opportunity to be highlighted on your pages."
[Terry Kirkpatrick, IBM Think Leadership]
"Before browsing this extensive directory of Amsterdam tourist information and resources, you can read an introduction to the city to find out what's acceptable and what's not in the Dutch entertainment and nightlife capitol."
[Snap - Amsterdam<]
"De meest omvangrijke, overzichtelijke en actuele gids voor elk maatschappelijk onderwerp."
"You have a wonderfully informative site."
[Arthur Blair, Black Quest]
"I'm writing to tell you how much I enjoyed your web site. I read the information on Spencer and everything that I had learned through books your web page covered. The idea of society being like an organism was very insightful."
[Rita Watson, Youngstown State University]
"The site contains an abundance of information & is an excellent reference tool!"
[Janelle Wilson, Political Science Major at the University of Central Florida, USA]
"What a great site you have there -- congratulations!"
"Congratulations on the continued brilliance of your website"
[Dr David Gauntlett, New Media Studies]
"One of the best sociology sites in the world."
[Tony Fitzgerald, Sociology Online]
"Thank you for providing such a usefull and interesting site for further learning. SocioSite makes learning enjoyable and inspires one to participate."
[Craig Nelson, University of Central Florida, USA]
"Thank you for that wonderful Web site. What an excellent tool!"
[David J. Ayers, Assistant Professor and Acting Chair, Department of Sociology, Grove City College]
"This site is great! The information is in an easy to get format, and it is all important information! Thumbs up!"
[W. John Peters, Student, University of Central Florida, USA]
"Let me say to you that your site is really a wonderful www-work!"
[Rodrigo Jokisch, Center for Basic Studies in Social Theory, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico -UNAM]
"I found this site interesting, and a valuable source for future reading and reference."
[Linda Westfall, Student at the University of Central Florida]
"Sociosite is one of the finest academic resource centers on the web. (...) Sociosite contains a wealth of valuable resources which are beneficial to students and faculty alike."
[Gloria Bobbie (Plattsburgh, USA), editor of A Journey Through the Culture of Capitalism]
"This site is a rich source of information on sociological material as well as other material, I congratulate this webpage, it is great and keep on with good research."
[Luis G. Rodriguez, University of Central Florida]
"It is the best site about sociology and social psychology I ever seen."
[Grzegorz Makowski, Warsaw University, Poland]
"The most comprehensive of all the sociology sites. The “Yahoo˜ of the sociology world."
[Howard E. Aldrich, Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Caroline, USA]
"As a first time visitor to the SocioSite I was tremendously impressed by the wide variety of information presented and the great resources such as the electronic journals, data archives, and wide variety of sociological subject areas."
[Steven Huey, University of Central Florida, USA]
“I am revising the theorists for my exams next week and I wanted to say thankyou for this incredible site. Not only is it right up to date but easy to read and friendly to use. Keep up the good work and I will be passing on the web address to all my collegues.”
[Julie, University of Liverpool Student, UK]
“I really enjoyed your Web site. You have a lot of excellent information for believers.”
[John Borgquist,]
“I enjoyed this very informative site, Thanks for everyones hard work.”
[Laurel K. Hudson, Liberal Studies Major, University of Central Florida, USA]
“This is a fantastic site. Prof. Benschop has done an excellent job.
I could spend the rest of my life here.“
[Prof. Waltraud Queiser Morales, Department of Political Science, University of Central Florida, USA, editor of Political Chronicle]
“What a fantastic site!!!”
[Emily Rae, Cambridge University Undergraduate, UK]
"For me personally, SocioSite is one of the best information sources whenever I have to look for sociology-related things."
[Heine von Alemann, editor of the Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS), and the René-König-Gesellschaft (RKG), Cologne, Germany]
“This site is very well done, easily navigable and very informative.
It helps to show how social sciences and political sciences coincide.”
[Joshua Strudwick, Political Science Major, University of Central Florida, USA]
“This excellent site which acts as a gateway into Sociology flows from the computers at the Sociological Institute of the University of Amsterdam under the guidance of Albert Benschop who is eager to make this site as useful as possible.”
[Brian Burtch, Sociology of Law, Simon Frasier University]
“Ein Projekt an der Universit�t Amsterdam. Ich kann die Seite allen soziologisch Interessierten empfehlen, sie ist gut aufgebaut. Es macht Spass, da einfach rumzuschauen, aber man kann auch sehr zielgerichtet etwas finden (eine soziologische newsgroup in Ungarn, ein Journal in Australien, vor allem aber eine sehr lange Liste von �Sociological Subject Areas� mit entsprechenden Links)”
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[Holly L. Messer, University of Central Florida]“Thank you for this excellent resource. The University of South Australia Library is thrilled to be able to refer both staff and students to such a comprehensive and well organised site. ’ [Catherine Nairn , Reference Librarian - Magill Campus, University of South Australia Library]“SocioSite is excellent and my students enjoy it. Many thanks for your work.”
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“Pienso que, hoy por hoy, el más importante de la Red. Uno de los puntos de partida más clásicos, con una inmensa variedad de temas recogidos. Uno de los lugares fundamentales en la red para los sociólogos, y muy especialmente para los sociólogos europeos. Hay una organización envidiable, que para mi p�gina de links quisiera yo. Y, sobre todo, al contrario que la mayor parte de los servidores anglosajones, es realmente multicultural”
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“C’est LE site des sociologues et autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. Abrité par l’Université d’Amsterdam, c’est en effet le serveur le plus complet, le plus riche, le plus varié dans ces disciplines. Ses multiples entrées permettant, aux choix, de consulter des sites consacrés à des sociologues - morts ou vivant - des revues, des groupes de discussion, des centres de recherche, des bases d'archives et même ... des histoires drôle. (..) Quant au thèmes, ils vont d'Activism à Youth en passant par Crime, Media ou War.”
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“I am just approaching the end of my first year doing a BA in Sociology. I am revising the theorists for my exams next week and I wanted to say thankyou for this incredible site. Not only is it right up to date but easy to read and friendly to use. Keep up the good work and I will be passing on the web address to all my collegues.”
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“Congratulation to Your SocioSite. I think it is the best starting point for internet-research on topics of social sciences, much better than Google, which always leads to much Sites without any practical or theoretical sense. I am proud to be ‘linked’ by the Sociosite.”
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