
All Facts about IQ 138

People with IQ 138 only account for about 0.561797752809% of the world's population and are classified as "High intelligence" people. To better understand the characteristics and development roadmap when possessing an IQ of 138, please read this article carefully. 

I. What does an IQ 138 mean? 

According to IQ researchers around the world, the odds of someone achieving an IQ score of 138 are about 1/178. This means that when you meet about 178 people, there will be 1 person with an IQ of 138 points. 

What does an IQ 138 mean?

People with IQ 138 only account for about 0.561797752809% of the world's population and are classified as "High intelligence" people

It can be seen intuitively that when comparing a person with an IQ of 138 with Emma Watson, there is no IQ gap here. To compare with Elon Musk, they are about 22 points apart. However, this score still exceeds the average IQ score of the world's population, so it is still no exaggeration to say that they are extremely smart people.

Your IQ 138 score is high. It is in the 99.4th percentile, which means you fared better on the test than 99.4 percent of people in the example the test was normed on.

If we talk about IQ 138 and real-life functioning, we can state that this number places you in a very tiny fraction of the population.In one of the newer scales, this score correlates to PhD degrees and is regarded as that of 'talented' individuals, ranging from 130 to 139. It's worth noting that IQ 140 is deemed genius on the old Lewis Terman scale.

We may claim that such a high score offers incredible prospects in terms of higher education and employment. It would undoubtedly make you a person in desperate need of intellectual stimulation.

You are most likely an inquisitive person who can observe things from a variety of perspectives. People with such high results are capable of great verbal and linguistic comprehension, as well as abstract linguistic and logical reasoning, allowing for a far deeper and more comprehensive grasp of the world.

Keep in mind that having a higher IQ does not guarantee that you will be more successful in life than others. It implies you may be able to better grasp complex concepts and obtain a certificate in a topic that is more difficult for those of ordinary intellect to learn.

The disadvantage of having a high IQ is that it makes one stand out and become a loner. While many people consider this to be a disadvantage, it does not have to be in your situation. People with extremely high IQs, such as IQ 138, are typically self-sufficient and do not require a lot of interaction due to their rich inner-life.

II. Materials Engineers - Great job fit your IQ 138

Materials engineers employ their knowledge to efficiently generate specifications for, design, process, and apply materials. The Materials Engineer will also discover and suggest the most appropriate materials for certain applications based on data obtained and knowledge.

Materials Engineers - Great job fit your IQ 138

1. Teamwork

You are unlikely to work in solitary confinement as an engineer for any business. Teamwork is a vital element of any career in the RAF,' said Bruce Pettit, careers outreach manager at the Royal Air Force. An RAF pilot relies on the assistance of an engineer. If you have a toothache, you should see the RAF dentist. You'll be chauffeured to the dentist by an RAF driver. The food you consume will be prepared by an RAF chef.

Employers want to know that you can work effectively with others and thrive in a team atmosphere. Someone who cannot operate well in a group will not assist their firm reach its objectives.

2. Attention to detail

Precision and accuracy are required for a profession in engineering. 'Mistakes may be costly, therefore attention to detail is crucial,' noted Anthony Smeeton, a deputy chief structural engineer at Leonardo Helicopters Division. When dealing with a £1 million test specimen, you don't want to make a mistake and have to spend another £1 million.' Failure to pay attention to the smaller details can have commercial and social ramifications; you could lose a lot of money or endanger someone's life.

3. Innovation

A large portion of an engineer's work is to solve issues and come up with innovative solutions. There will always be a desire to improve, accelerate, or strengthen things. According to John Schofield, an engineering associate fellow in the area of fatigue and fracture at Rolls-Royce, "there is a desire for more efficient engines with less noise and lower carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions."

Recruiters are seeking candidates who will be able to meet these standards. They want to see that you grasp the importance of innovation in solving real-world challenges.

4. Communication

Communication is an important aspect of the workplace. 'Engineers don't just sit at a desk and conduct design work all day,' Anthony pointed out. You will find yourself spending a significant amount of time conversing with consumers and making decisions.' You must be able to establish relationships with both coworkers and clients. Because not everyone you deal with will comprehend the technical jargon, you must also be skilled at communicating your ideas clearly and simply.

Recruiters will evaluate your communication abilities, so put in a well-written application and be courteous yet confident in person. Prepare examples of times when you've used your interpersonal skills. Perhaps you've worked in customer service or spent the summer teaching English in another country.

5. Problem-solving skills

It is critical for these engineers who gain IQ 138 to understand the link between material structure and characteristics. The method of processing these resources, as well as how all of these factors affect the entire project, must be considered. After identifying why a product exists, these individuals are accountable for developing a design solution. Numerous tests must be performed to verify that the product will not fail in the future. When several factors may be at play, the ability to identify fundamental causes and troubleshoot is critical.

III. Emma Watson - Celebrity with IQ 138

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson is a British activist and actress. She has garnered several awards for her parts in both blockbusters and indie films, as well as for her efforts in women's rights, including a Young Artist Award and three MTV Movie Awards.

Emma Watson - Celebrity with IQ 138

Forbes and Vanity Fair have called Watson one of the world's highest-paid actresses, while Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential persons in the world in 2015. Emma Watson is one of Hollywood's most astute actresses. She holds a degree from Brown University and is fluent in several languages.

Even though she grew up to be a famous actress, Emma constantly prioritizes her studies. She earned a Linguistics degree from Brown University in the United States. Emma Watson, who has an IQ of 138, is remembered as a brilliant and talented actress.

IV.  IQ 138 and Success: Examining the Relationship Between Intelligence and Achievement

Intelligence quotient (IQ) is often seen as a predictor of success, and individuals with an IQ score of 138 are considered to have a very high level of intelligence. As such, it's natural to wonder if there is a strong relationship between IQ and success.

It's important to note that success can be defined in many different ways, including career achievement, financial stability, and personal fulfillment. While intelligence can certainly be a factor in achieving these goals, it is not the only determinant. Other factors such as personality traits, motivation, and opportunities also play a significant role.

Research has shown a positive correlation between IQ and various measures of success. For example, studies have found that individuals with higher IQ scores tend to have higher educational attainment, earn higher incomes, and have more prestigious careers.

One reason for this correlation is that individuals with high IQ scores tend to have better cognitive abilities, which can make them more effective problem solvers and decision makers. They may also be more adaptable to changing circumstances and better at learning new skills.

However, it's important to note that success is not guaranteed simply by having a high IQ. Other factors, such as emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and work ethic, are also critical to achieving success. Additionally, there may be external factors such as systemic barriers and inequalities that can impact an individual's opportunities for success, regardless of their level of intelligence.

It's also worth noting that a high IQ does not necessarily guarantee happiness or fulfillment. Individuals with high IQ scores may struggle with unique challenges, such as feeling isolated or misunderstood, and may find it difficult to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

In summary, there is a positive relationship between IQ and a variety of success indicators, but it's crucial to understand that success has many different components and cannot be entirely attributed to intelligence. In addition, other elements like drive, chance, and personality traits are important. High IQ individuals can surely benefit from their intellectual prowess, but it's crucial to keep in mind that success is ultimately determined by the individual and what they value most in life.

V. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Having IQ 138 in Society

Having an IQ of 138 places an individual in the top 2% of the population in terms of intellectual ability. While this can certainly come with many advantages, it's also important to consider the potential drawbacks that come with such a high level of intelligence. Here are some benefits and drawbacks of having an IQ of 138 in society:

1. Benefits:

Intellectual capabilities: Individuals with a high IQ score of 138 tend to have strong cognitive abilities, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. This can enable them to excel in academic pursuits and professional careers that require advanced analytical skills.

Opportunities: A high IQ score can open doors to opportunities in higher education and advanced careers. Many prestigious universities and high-level positions require high IQ scores as a prerequisite for admission or employment.

Creativity: High IQ individuals often have a unique and creative way of thinking that can enable them to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

Social Status: Society often places a high value on intelligence, which can lead to social recognition and respect.

2. Drawbacks:

Social isolation: Individuals with high IQ scores may feel isolated and misunderstood by those around them, which can make it difficult to form meaningful relationships.

Perfectionism: High IQ individuals may struggle with perfectionism and have high expectations of themselves and others, which can lead to stress and anxiety.

Arrogance: Some individuals with high IQ scores may become arrogant or condescending towards those they perceive as less intelligent.

Pressure: Society often places high expectations on individuals with high IQ scores, which can lead to pressure to constantly perform and succeed.

Emotional intelligence: High IQ individuals may struggle with emotional intelligence and have difficulty understanding and relating to others on an emotional level.

Having an IQ of 138 can certainly come with many benefits, including advanced intellectual capabilities and opportunities for academic and professional success. However, it's important to recognize the potential drawbacks that come with such high intelligence, including social isolation, perfectionism, and pressure to constantly perform. It's important for individuals with high IQ scores to be aware of these potential challenges and to work towards developing a well-rounded set of skills and traits, including emotional intelligence and social skills, to succeed in all aspects of life.

See other IQ Scores