
All Facts about IQ 109

An IQ of 109 is close to the group Superior but still belongs to the “Normal” group in the IQ classification, corresponding to 27.126% of the world’s population. 

I. What does an IQ of 109 mean? 

An IQ of 109 is considered high. Although the percentage of people reaching this IQ level is not too rare, it is something to be proud of when out of 3 people, only 1 person has this IQ score.

An IQ of 109 is close to the group Superior but still belongs to the “Normal” group in the IQ classification,

An IQ of 109 is close to the group Superior but still belongs to the “Normal” group in the IQ classification,

In common parlance, an IQ 109 is considered an "excellent" result. A person with this score is self-aware, well suited for further education, capable of working in a senior position, making significant and responsible decisions, solving issues effectively, and so on.

However, It all relies on personal aspirations, expectations, and interests. The benefit of this score, which is still described as average but is high in the range, is that such a person might fit well in any situation and comprehend others around him or her.

We don't talk about understanding in terms of being smart or dumb, but rather about sharing experiences, tolerance, respect, and everything else that goes into human connections that isn't just rational language.

Such an IQ, on the other hand, makes a person more self-aware and willing to follow their goals. Simply said, despite the unfortunate use of words and phrases, this individual is 'smart enough,' but not 'too clever,' such that he or she does not belong.

Other elements, however, would undoubtedly alter the actual real-life functioning with an IQ 109 score (just as with similar scores).

Attitudes about oneself, others, and life in general are extremely important. Many people believe that emotional intelligence is more essential than intelligence. When individuals inquire about their IQ, they mostly want to know if they will be successful in life, regardless of how ambiguous the term "successful" is in and of itself.

A person with an IQ of 109 must be exceptionally self-aware and intelligent. He or she has strong ideas and enough intelligence to grasp most of those around him or her. Higher education is a strong possibility, as is a job in senior management.

Other key elements to examine are qualities, goals, and hobbies. With an IQ of 109, you may have a successful or mediocre 9-to-5 existence. There is no assurance of great performance here. But one thing is certain: your communication range is broader, encompassing  average and highly clever people. There are several possibilities and turning moments if you know how to use the provided range.

And, once again, keep in mind that success results from a mix of elements, of which intellect is just one. It will be stunning if combined with strong motives and real wishes to improve your life and the lives of others. Indifference, vengeance, and cruelty, conversely, can convert your intelligence into a lethal weapon, as seen in the following example.

With an IQ of 109, one might have a good and joyful life by studying and working without any unique issues.

Of course, other things in their life would impact it. However, most people would agree that attitude is just as important, if not more, when it comes to (professional) success. Personality qualities are important in various aspects of life.

It actually doesn't matter if your score was 101, 109, or even 120 if you are a nice and good person who treats others well while still being conscious of their own needs and maintaining their integrity.

People used to claim that being in the middle of the scale is easier than being at the top. It implies that you would be less concerned than the individuals mentioned above, who are overthinkers.

People with an average score are more likely to be satisfied with themselves and their identities. Of course, the exam does not assess your desire, competitiveness, or other qualities.

II. 2 Great jobs fitting your IQ 109

1. Occupational therapist

Occupational therapy has been a prominent healthcare profession in recent years. Many people are drawn to OT employment and the possibilities they present to make a positive difference in the lives of others because of the compassionate nature of the work.

Occupational therapist iq 109

Occupational therapist iq 109

Here are some characteristics of occupational therapists:

1.1  Communication skills

Occupational therapists must have excellent communication abilities. They continuously contact patients, their families, and other healthcare providers. As a result, occupational therapists must be able to communicate clearly and effectively via all channels and to a diverse range of audiences.

Furthermore, occupational therapists must be effective listeners since they will be required to listen to their clients' problems, symptoms, and treatment objectives. They must be able to explain sophisticated medical words, home exercise plans, procedures, and symptoms. These principles must be described properly so that everyone, regardless of age, disease, or cognitive capacity, may grasp them.

1.2 Patience

Many people struggle to deal with accidents, diseases, and impairments. To give effective treatment to the individuals they serve, occupational therapists must be patient.

Every occupational therapist has had difficult or demanding clients at some point. They must, however, retain a nice and professional tone throughout. A skilled occupational therapist understands that their clients have a range of obstacles as a result of their disability and may become unpleasant, upset, impatient, or furious.

A skilled and experienced occupational therapist is patient and eager to listen to their clients. In their encounters with clients, they should show empathy, smile, and even try to insert well-placed, subtle humor.

1.3 Flexibility

When treating patients, occupational therapists must be adaptable. Because not every form of therapy will work for every patient, therapists may need to be creative in establishing the optimal treatment programs and adapting equipment for each patient's requirements.

1.4  Problem-Solving Skills

Every effective occupational therapist understands that one of their most crucial abilities is creative problem-solving. Each client is unique in that they have various objectives, challenges, anxieties, and motivations. This necessitates the development of unique tactics to guarantee that each client achieves their treatment objectives as quickly as their circumstances allow.

2. Stockbroker

A stockbroker is a certified professional who may purchase and sell stocks on behalf of other investors. What characteristics characterize a stockbroker with an IQ of 109?

Stockbroker iq 109

Stockbroker iq 109

2.1  Confidence

Even if you have no prior experience trading stocks or investing, it is very evident that confidence is necessary. A good stockbroker cannot waste time second-guessing choices or undertaking excessive research. There is such a thing as being overly careful; it might cause you to miss critical deadlines and chances.

2.2 Good Trading Platforms

Trading platforms are essential. It should be simple to use, quick, and dependable, with minimal downtime. A decent stock trading website should provide you with free access to advanced trading platforms that include all of the tools you need to evaluate and trade. Before making a selection, it is essential to understand in depth the trading platforms provided by brokers.

2.3 Patience

It is often mentioned but rarely followed: patience is essential for all traders. Successful traders wait for the ideal moment to enter the market. One may come across traders who sit inactive and observe the markets, but they are actually looking for the best time to enter or quit a deal.

If you are curious whether you own IQ, you can take part in IQ tests on websites IQ-test.net or reputable educational centers which specialize in IQ measurement to identify your own IQ scores.

See other IQ Scores