Sociology of Labor
Sociology of Labor - Online resources on world labor and working class internationalism. A selection of internet discussion forums relevant to labor and labor history, and to the labor movement.
In labor markets, workers are said to offer their labor control to managers in trade for different rewards related with work, counting compensation, control, and status.

- Babbage, Charles [1932]
Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
A classical text from Charles Babbage on the economic functions of machinery and manufectures. - Benschop, Albert (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Arbeid - een lastig en omstreden begrip
A historical and sociological analysis of the concept of labor. - Techniek-Arbeid-Organisatie
Syllabus on the relation between technology, labor and organizations. - Kwaliteit van de Arbeid (table of contents)
- Bibliography on the Concept of Labor
- Arbeid - een lastig en omstreden begrip
- Benschop, Albert / Bader, Veit (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Machtskansen in arbeidsverhoudingen
Article on power chances in labor relations (in Dutch). - Benschop, Albert / Koopal, Koos (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Bibliography on unemployment, social security and poverty in the Netherlands - Black, Bob
Abolition of Work
According to Black work the source of nearly all the misery in the world. “Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.” He wants to crate “a new way of life based on play, in other words, a ludic revolution.” The adagium of this anti-work manifesto: “Workers of the world ... RELAX!” - Blanken, Piet den (Breda, Netherlands)
Werk, Werk, Werk
A collection photos. Work is wonderful: you can watch it for hours on the WWW. - Boes, Andreas [1996] (Germany)
Zukunft der Arbeit in der "Informationsgesellschaft"
Article on the Future of labor in the information society. - Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
- Chapman, Sidney J. [1909]
Hours of Labour
In: Economic Journal, September, 1901, footnote 1, pp.363-385.
Chapman's 1909 address on the hours of labour was considered the "classical statement of the theory of 'hours' in a free market" [J.R. Hicks, Theory of Wages, 1932]. Since that time it virtually vanished from the economic discourse. Why? - Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Groupware (SocioSite)
Articles, software for people who are working together on a comupter mediated distance. - Crowther, Samuel [1926]
Henry Ford: Why I Favor Five Days’ Work with Six Days’ Pay
The famous automobile manufacturer explains why he reduced the working week in Ford plants all over the wolrd to forty hours with no cut in pay.
- Dassbach, Carl H.A.
Where is North American Automobile Production Headed: Low-Wage Lean Production
In: Electronic Journal of Sociology 1 (1994). - Digtal Fordism
Papers, publications and links on digital fordism, presented by the Center for Digital Dscourse and Culture (CDDC). - Disability (SocioSite)
Information resources from, about and for people with a fysical or mental disability.
EEGA - Ergonomie Centrum Arbeidsrevalidatie
Ergonomie Centre for Labour Rehabilitation. (English and Dutch versions)
- Geser, Hans (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Computer-Induced Changes in Intellectual and Scientific Work
Conceptualizes types of sources for the gathering of information. Identifies factors for the functional significance of computer-supported information-handling, such as intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional functions. Aims at developing scenarios rather than predictions and concludes that computers offer a starting point for a new kind of intellectual activity, the imagining of various possible development patterns for alternative future intellectual worlds. - Gräbe, Hans-Gert (Liepzig, Germany)
Die bildungspolitische Debatte am 'Ende der Arbeitsgesellschaft'
A German contribution on the end of the 'labor society'.
- Heeks, Richard / Slamen-McCann, Anne
Job and Skill Impacts of New Technology in the East Asian Electronics Industry
Findings from Recent Literature and Annotated Bibliography. A review of recent (post-1985) research literature on job and skill impacts associated with new manufacturing technologies and more globalised production in the East Asian electronics export industry. It describes the unique developmental, technological and cultural framework of the industry, as a result of which it has been largely successful in managing the assimilation of new technology. The paper includes an annotated bibliography of over 80 items. - Henwood, Doug
Work and its future
Left Business Observer 72.
- Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Information from the American Psychological Association. - International Labor Organization (ILO)
The UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The ILO formulates international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommandations setting minimum standards of basic labour rights: freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, abolition of forced labour, equality of opportunity and treatment, and other standards regulating conditions across the entire spectrum of work related issues.
Current issues- Child Labour
- Employment promotion
- Employment Security
- Equality & Discrimination
- Forced Labour
- Freedom of association
- Labour law
- Social Security
- Working Conditions
- Youth employment
- Central & Eastern European Team (Budapest)
- Gladnet - Global Applied Disability Research Network for Employment and Training.
- International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre - ILO-CIS - Includes
- Asian Pacific Network on Occupational Safety & Health Information
- African Newsletter on Occupational Health & Safety
- ILO San Jose Area Office (Costa Rica)
- ILO Washington Branch Office
- Turin's International Training Centre
Kearl, Michael (Trinity University, USA)
Social Psychology of Work and Leisure
- Labour and Business History
Maintained in Amsterdam by the International Institute of Social History and the Netherlands Economic History Archive. - LaborNet
LaborNet works to support human rights and economic justice for workers by providing Internet services, labor news and information, Internet training, and Web site design for unions. From the Institute for Global Communications (IGC). - Labor Research Portal
Offers a collection of special labor guides on alternative forms of ownership, globalization, labor culture, employee rights, temporary workers, and union organizing. Presented by the Institute of Industrial Relations (IIR), University van California, Berkeley, USA. - Lerner, Sally
The Future of Work in North America: Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, Beyond Jobs - Summary - Leth, James W. [1995]
Technology and the Work Ethic
- O'Reilly, Jaqueline
Theoretical Consideration in Cross-National Employment Research
In: Sociological Research Online, 1 (1).
A review of a range of theoretical approaches to cross-national employment research in terms of universal, culturalist and intermediary perspectives. - Organisation, Work and Technology
Some papers written by sociologists at the University of Lancaster.
- Regional and Local Development of Work and Labour (RLDWL)
- Reskin, Barbara F.
Sex Segregation in the Workplace: Trends, Explanations, Remedies - Rethinking Work - New Ways to Work in a Knowledge Society - Editor: Eric Britton (EcoPlan, Paris). You can also visit the discussion group.
- Rowthorn, Robert / Ramaswamy, Ramana (Working Paper of The International Monetary Fund)
Deindustrialization: Causes and Implications
Increased globalization has coincided in the past two decades with a shift in labor demand away from less-skilled workers toward those with more skills. This shift in labor demand has widened the gap in wages between the two groups of workers and has raised income inequality and unemployment, primarily among low-skilled workers. This paper summarizes research on the connection between globalization and labor markets in the advanced economies. The technology-driven shift in labor demand away from less-skilled workers and toward more-skilled workers has resulted in increased wage inequality in some countries, and in lower relative employment among unskilled workers in others. - RSI - Repetitive Strain Injuries (SocioSite)
Information resources on RSI, the mouse arm and the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
- Schmiede, Rudi
- [1996] Virtuelle Arbeitswelten
A book on the virtual reality of labor, with articles from Rudi Schmiede, Andrea Baukrowitz, Nicolai Egloff, Andreas Boes, and Helmut Wenzel. - [1997] Die Entwicklung betriebsinterner Arbeitsmarktstrukturen in Deutschland
- [2011] Macht Arbeit depressiv? Psychische Erkrankungen im flexiblen Kapitalismus
In: Cornelia Koppetsch (Hg.) [2011] Die Innenwelten des Kapitalismus. Zur Transformation moderner Subjektivität. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 113-138
- [1996] Virtuelle Arbeitswelten
- Schwartz, Howard S. (School of Business Administration, Oakland Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Masculinity and the Meaning of Work: A Response to Manichean Feminism
In: Administration and Society, 27(2): 249-274. See also the Responses to Criticism. - Shorter Work Time Action Page
The Shorter Work-Time Group (SWTGp) believes that overwork is a broad social problem in the U.S. today which affects both women and men, of all races, backgrounds, and income levels. Overwork harms our personal, family and community lives and the workplace. It leads to too much work for some, underemployment or unemployment for others. We believe that both women and men will benefit from working less and having more control over their time, if such policies also provide decent wages and benefits. We support shorter work hours, better leave and vacation policies, and more flexible scheduling that meets workers' needs. - Society of Labor Economists (SOLE)
A society that seeks to promote the study of labor economics and to make more significant the contribution of labor economics and labor economists. The Society organizes meetings, publicizes work by labor economists, and aspires to provide appropriate recognition to labor economics (Chicago, USA). - Sociology of Work and Organization - Online Publications - Sociology from Switzerland.
- Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) User Guide
Presented by the U.S. Department of Labor. The SOC-system is used by statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of over 820 occupations according to their occupational definition. To facilitate classification, occupations are combined to form 23 major groups, 96 minor groups, and 449 broad occupations. Each broad occupation includes detailed occupation(s) requiring similar job duties, skills, education, or experience. - Subject Guides - Covers a myriad of issues related to labor and employment, occupational safety and health, human resource management, collective bargening and more. Presented by the library of Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR).
- Working Conditions (Wages, Working Hours, Others)
Articles from the Japan Labor Bulletin on working conditions and Human Resource Management. - World Labor
Online resources on world labor and working class internationalism. A selection of internet discussion forums relevant to labor and labor history, and to the labor movement. Editor: Haines Brown (History Dept., C.C.S.U., New Britain, USA).
Labor Market
- Benschop, Albert (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Wat is een arbeidsmarkt?
Article on the concept of the labor market. - Dublin Labour Studies Group
Covers the study of labour market issues in Ireland. Researchers are drawn from University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Maynooth College and the Economic and Social Research Institute. Contains information about the group details of seminars and publications as well as links to some full text working papers. -
A Dutch site for labor market professionals, offers news, trends and background information on the labor market. - Freelancers in the UK
The UK's most comprehensive list of freelancers, including writers, editors, proofreading, freelancing. - Heath, Anthony F. / McMahon, Dorren [2000]
Ethnic Differences in the Labour Market: The Role of Education and Social Class Origins
Working Paper Number 2000-01, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, UK.
An exploration of processes of inclusion and exclusion that concentrates on two questions. How far can class origins and qualifications account for ethnic minority disadvantage in Britain? Do they operate in the same way for the ethnic minorities as they do for the white majority? With respect to social inclusion, the results show that class origins and education qualifications can largely account for the overall disadvantages suffered by Irish men who have migrated to Britain, and for about half of the overall Caribbean and Pakistani disadvantage. With respect to social exclusion, social origins and qualifications account for a much smaller proportion of the overall ethnic disadvantages. - Israelsson, Torbjörn
Generation shift in the Swedish labour market
OECD, 2015 - Jobs in Egypt
Provides a comprehensive suite of career building tools. You can gain the valuable knowledge necessary to succeed in today employment marketplace. - Labor Force and Labor Market
Links to articles from the Cornell University, USA. - Labour Market and Employment
Articles from the Japan Labor Bulletin on labor market and employment. - Magnusson, Lars
The Swedish Labour Market Model in a Globalised World - National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)
An annotated bibliography, presented by the Center for Human Resource Research at Ohio State University. You may choose from eight different search options, including author, title, citation source, year, and format of the cited work. An excellent resource for anyone who plans to use research based on NLS data. - NOA - Nederlands Onderzoekscentrum Arbeidsmarkt en Allochtonen
Research center Labor Market and Immigrants. Department of labor and organizational pychology, Free University, Amsterdam. - OECD
Employment policies and data; public employment and management; labour markets, human caputal and inquality. - Slaughter, Matthew J. / Swagel, Phillip - Working Papers of the International Monetary Fund
The Effect of Globilization on Wages in the Advanced Economies
The advanced economies have witnessed a decline in the share of manufacturing employment in the last two decades. Employment in manufacturing now constitutes only a small fraction of civilian employment in most of the traditional (industrial) countries. This paper argues that, contrary to popular perceptions, deindustrialization is not a negative phenomenon, but is the natural consequence of the industrial dynamism in an already developed economy. North-South trade has had very little to do with deindustrialization. Deindustrialization implies that the growth of living standards in the advanced economies is likely to be increasingly influenced by productivity developments in the service sector. Deindustrialization also implies that the role of trade unions is likely to change over time in the advanced economies. - Social Protection & Labor & Discussion Papers - Worldbank
- Suen, Wing
- Labor Economics
Labor Course Outline: microeconomic view on labor markets. - Lecture Notes
- Labor Market Reading list
- [2013] Selected Topics in Microeconomics
- Labor Economics
- Wages
Wage and employment law in Australia with career and employment oppportunities.
Research Centers
National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS) - Flinders University of South Australia
South Australian Centre for Economic Studies: Labour and Demography (SACES) - Australia
Research unit at the Institut für Betriebswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Wien, Austria.
Athabasca University - Labour Studies
Brock University - Labour Studies
McMaster University - Institute for Work in a Global Society (WIGS)
Simon Fraser University - Center for Labour Studies
University of Manitoba - Labour Studies
University of Windsor - Labour Studies
York University - Work & Labour Studies
University of Aarhus - Labor Market Dynamics & Growth (LMDG)
Université Aix-Marseille I - Institu régional du travail (IRT)
Université Lumière Lyon 2 - Institut d'Études du Travail
Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft (IAW) - RWTH Aachen, Germany.
A leading German institute for the analysis and reconstruction of labour processes.
Institut Arbeit und Technik (IAT) - Gelsenkirchen (Germany)
Soziologie der Arbeit und Geslechterverhältnisse (ISW) - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sociology of labor and gender.
Department of Labor Studies - Tel Aviv University, Israel
Specialized in the research and teaching of human resource management, labor relations, labor market process analysis, enterprise education and work history.
Japan Institute of Labor
A profile and Japan Labor Review, a quarterly journal which introduces up-to-date labor issues in Japan with articles, special topics and statistical information.
Labour Market Research Institute - Lithuanian Academic and Research Network (LITNET)
Amsterdams Instituut voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (AIAS)
The scientist of the University of Amsterdam have gathered their knowledge on labor issues in the "Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies". AIAS is an interdisciplinary research and educational institute that brings together staff from a variety of disciplines.
TNO Arbeid
NIA TNO was created in January 1997 by a merger of the Netherlands Institute for Working Conditions NIA and the Occupational Health Division of TNO. The organisation is active internationally as well as within the Netherlands in a broad but specialised field of work, working conditions, organisation and technology. The philosophy behind the activities is that an efficient and healthy deployment of human resources is crucial to business competitiveness and for an affordable social security system of acceptable quality. (Dutch and English versions).
Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research - Oslo
Fafo was founded by the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) in 1982 and was reorganised as a foundation in 1993. Fafo develops and disseminates knowledge about changes in living and working conditions, societal participation, democracy and development in a range of social and economic settings. Their ambition is to contribute to processes of social and economic development based on rigorous ethical and scientific standards.
NOVA - Senter for Velferds og Arbeidslivsforskning - Centre for Welfare and Labour Research
NOVA is one of the largest social research institutes in Norway. It conducts research on different aspects of society and the welfare state. They focus on the whole range of the life course: from the early years to the later life. The research is centered around Norwegian society, but international projects form a growing and important addition. The site offers presentations of research results and information about publications, projects, and the researchers.
South Africa
Sociology of Work Unit (SWOP) - University of The Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
A research unit which conducts high quality research in the area of work and industrial relations. It's origins lies in the close working relationship that developed between progressive intellectuals and the emerging labour movement in the eighties. Research activities are concentrated om the employment relationship and include a variety of forms of work, both paid and unpaid. SWOP also attempts to maintain communication and interaction with a broad range of actors within the world of work in particular, with organised labour, business, government and other research organisations.
Cornell University - Industrial and Labor Relations
Indiana University South Bend - Division of Labor Studies
University of California, Berkeley - Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - School of Labor and Employment Relations (LER)
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - The Labor Center
University of Michigan - Institute for Research on Labor, Employment, and the Economy (IRLEE)
- American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
Devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental factors arising in or from the workplace that may result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community. Includes the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (JOEH). - European Association of Labour Economists (EALE)
Promotes the advancement of knowledge in the field of labour economics in Europe and elswhere. - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
- Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations [table of contents + abstracts] A refereed research volume published annually or biannually. The series is designed to focus on industrial relations issues, but the editors welcome articles from scholars in diverse disciplines, such as economics, law, history, organizational behavior, psychology, and sociology. The series welcomes manuscripts that may be somewhat longer than is the case with most journals, principally so that authors can explore their respective topics more deeply.
- AIHA Journal Online [table of content + abstract]
A journal for the science of occuparional and environmental health and safety. Published by the American Industrial Hygiene Association - Arbeit [table of contents + abstracts]
Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik. Publishes theoretical and empirical studies on labor issues. - Intermediair [full text]
A Dutch magazine on labor and labor market issues. - International Labour Review [table of contents + abstracts] - ILO
- Japan Labor Review [full text]
A journal which introduces up-to-date labor issues in Japan with articles, special topics and statistical information. - Japanese Journal of Labour studies [full text]
A monthly journal which introduces up-to-date labor issues in Japan with articles, special topics and statistical information. - Labour/Le Travail [table of contents]
Journal of Canadian Labor Studies. The official, semi-annual publication of the Canadian Committee on Labour History. Articles in the field of working-class history, industrial sociology, labour economics, and labour relations. You have to subscribe for this journal. - Monthly Labor Review (MLR)
MLR is the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Each month, economists, statisticians, and experts from the Bureau join with private sector professionals and state and local government specialists to provide a wealth of research in a wide variety of fields—the labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries and illnesses, wages, prices, and more. - Tidkriften Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv [table of contents]
A journal on labor and working.
Labor Conditions in the Netherlands
- Law on Labor Conditions (Arbeidsomstandighedenwet)
- Complete text of the Law on Labor Conditions (2014) - mirror
- ArboNed
- ArboUnie
- Focal Point, The Netherlands - European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Extensive Dutch information on occupational safety, health, and corking conditions. Topics include legislation, news, good practices, events, research, discussion, FAQs, training, sector risks, themes and organisations.
- ARBO Site - FNV Bondgenoten, Unit VGWM
Information on labor conditions and environmental issues in the Netherlands, from an employee perspective. Editor: Jan Verhagen. - IAVM - Interuniversitaire organisatie voor arbeidshygiëne, veiligheid en milieu
A Dutch interuniversitary cooperation on labor conditions and environmental issues. - Wet op de ondernemingsraden
Dutch law on industrial democracy. - Ministerie van Economische Zaken - Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
- Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid - Dutch Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Labor Related Discussion Groups
- alt.society.labor-unions - Google Group
- FutureWork
The future of work and all that is associated with it.
Google Scholar - Stand on the shoulders of giants
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