
Social Policy

Social Policy, Social Security and Social Work


Social policy is arrangement as a rule inside a administrative or political setting, such as the welfare state and think about of social services.

Social policy involves laws, guidelines, enforcement and exercises that impact living conditions conducive to human well being, such as the quality of life of a human.

Social Policy


  • Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) - Loughborough University, UK
    The Centre conducts research into social policy with the aim of improving the quality and flow of information on which policy decisions are made and promoting contacts between policy makers, practitioners and the research community. Their mission is "excellence in independent social policy research and evaluation". Their research projects include: income support dynamics, income deprivation in the city, customer contact with the benefit agency, complementary social insurance schemes, co-op movement and community well being.
  • Centre for Social Policy Research and Development (CSPRD) - University of Wales, Bangor 
    The centre conducts research into community care issues, natably provision for elderly people (dementia studies), people with learning disabilities, community care and lone parenting.
  • Community Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto (CSPC) - Canada
    SPC is an independent, non-profit, organization of individuals and groups funded by 'The United Way of Greater Toronto' and 'The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto'. They are dedicated to research, planning, policy analysis and advocacy.


  • European Centre for Social Welfare and Policy Research 
    An international social science research, policy, and information centre; and an intergovernmental organization on social welfare, affiliated to the United Nations. Research and programme activities focus on welfare and social development in a broad sense: social integration, security, care, health and well-being by the provision of public goods and personal services, The focus is not on welfare as such but on the interplay of socio-economic development between institutions, public policies, and personal social services. Typical areas covered include: social security, ageing, care of children, migration and human rights.
  • european-social-policy mailing list archive 
    Deals with social policy and social welfare issues in Europe, including the EU. Of interest to academics in social policy, sociology, economics, political science, law, public administration, and to others involved in policy debate. You can get information on the mailing list, browse the messages in the archive, or join the list.


Globalism and Social Policy Programme (GASPP)
A research, advisory, education and public information programme based jointly at STAKES (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health), Helsinki, Finland and the Centre for Research on Globalisation and Social Policy, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, England. Directed by Professor Bob Deacon.


Nederlands Instituut voor Gezondheidszorg en Welzijn (NIGW)
Dutch institute for health and welfare. Includes a collection of links to welfare and social care sites in the Netherlands.


  • Social Policy
    A German blog against social injustice.
  • Social Policy Association (SPA)
    The SPA is a professional association open for membership to academics and practitioners working in social policy with an interest in British and international social policy. It also manages an email discussion list, which is open to members and non-members alike.
  • Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP)
    The subject centre for Social Policy and Social Work in the UK.
  • Social Policy Net
    A guide to social policy resources, presented by the Social Policy Association of the United Kingdom and the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York (UK).
  • Social Policy Virtual Library (SPVL)
    Department of Social and A virtual librabry project, co-ordinated by Theo Papadopoulos (Policy Sciences, University of Bath, UK). It provides links to sites of major organizations, libraries, research institutes, publications and journals as well as access to online databases and data sources, other information gateways, social policy mailing lists and discussion groups. It also provides information on research opportunities and funding and access to resources for teaching social policyt and related subjects.
  • Sozial Politik
    A German mailing list on social policy.
  • Spicker, Paul (University of Dundee, Scotland)
    Social Policy: welfare, society and the state


  • Welfare Information Network
    A clearinghouse for information, policy analysis and technical assistance on welfare reform in the USA. The site provides access to a variety of welfare policy documents: federal sources, think-tank studies on state welfare programs and initiatives. It includes a very good page with links to welfare relates web sites, divided in categories like: statistical data, policy analysis and evaluation, legislative information, state and local initiatives.
  • WWW Virtual Library: Evaluation
    An online database of high quality Internet resources related to social policy evaluation. At present, the database points to hundreds of web-sites, and each one has been selected and described. The catalogue is browsable or searchable by subject area.


  • Zentrum für Socialpolitik (ZES)
    The Centre for Social Policy Research at Bremen University (Germany). Research is concentrated on theory and constitution of the welfare state, health policy, social medicine and gender policy.

Social Security

World Wide

  • Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD)
    A national, research-based non-profit organization which focusus on issues of social and economic security. The mission of the CCSD is to develop and promote progressive social policies inspired by social justice, equality and the empowerment of individuals and communities through research, consultation, public education and advocacy.
  • Social Security - International Labour Organization (ILO)
    The ILO actively promotes policies and provides assistance to countries to set up mechanisms to provide access to an adequate level of social protection to all members of society. The Social Security Department has related action programmes, designed to develop a planning framework for: reforming and developing social security systems; improving the governance, management and administration and operation of social security schemes; and addressing the issues of safety nets, social assistance, poverty prevention and the extension of social protection through improved use of tax-based transfers and the potential role of tax-financed universal health care services.
  • Social Security Programs Throughout the World
    The reports highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries. In summary form they provide the basic provisions of social security legislation and administration. The reports contains information on old-age, survivors, and disability insurance, sickness and maternity coverage, work injury provisions, unemployment compensation, and family allowances. Each section is further subdivided into: dates of basic laws, coverage, source of funds, contribution rates and ceilings, qualifying conditions, benefit amounts, and administrative organizations. The 'Guide' contains a detailed introduction discussing concepts, practices, and terminology.
  • Social Security Web Sites Around the World
    A collection of links to social security agencies and organizations around the world, gathered by the American Social Security Administration (SSA).
  • Social Security
    Site of the Social Security Administration (SSA) in the U.S.A. The social security statement is a record of the earning on which you have paid Social Security taxes during your working years. It also gives you a summary of the estimated benefits you (or your family) may receive as a result of those earnings.


  • BIEN - Basic Income European Network
    A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. Basic income has been given different names: state bonus and social credit, social wage and social dividend, guaranteed income and citizen's wage, citizenship income and demogrant, existence income and universal grant. This site gives a more detailed presentation of basis income. It includes a listing of national networks on basic income and a newsletter.
  • EDAC - European Data Center for Work and Welfare
    The sites gives you information on and direct access to 500+ data sources on work, care and welfare.
  • MISSOC - Mutual Information System on Social Protection
    An information system created at the initiative of the European Commission (Directorate-General V) to probive brief, up-to-date and comparative information on social protection systems in the 28 Member States of the EU. The presentation is organized in four sections. "Trends in Social Protection" contains a comprehensive analysis of the development of social protection, an account of measures introduced in the Member States, and national reports on the evolution of social protection in each Member State. The "Comparative Tables" contain flow charts on the organization and financing of social protection, the basic benefits, regulations on the guaranteerd minimum level of resources, and social protection for the self-employed. The "News and Trends" section contains information bulletins which deel with actual development in the Member States as well as special subjects concerning social protection. The last section, "Current Information" contains informations on recent publications and interesting events in the field of social protection.
  • Unemployed Workers Centres - UK 
    Unemployed Workers Centres around Britain exist to help you overcome the effects of what can be either a nightmare or a chance to rethink your life. They are often campaigning against unemployment and policies which strip us of our rights and benefits, and for a return to full employment and a fair society. Unemployed Workers? Centres help some of the poorest people in Britain to get benefits and jobs . They are developing new programmes to help socially excluded people back into the mainstream, and campaigning for reforms that will help claimants for years to come.


Social Work


  • ASit - Servizio Sociale su Internet 
    Italian website for social workers and related professionals. Editor: Mario Abrate.
  • Global Social Work Network (GSWN)
    An association of social work professionals world wide. The network promotes information exchange of global and local social work resources, educational opportunities, foreign and domestic social work licensure regulations, and to support those seeking career opportunities worldwide.
  • Irish Social Care Gateway
    The leading Irish directory of information for social care practitioners, students, academics and those interested in care issues.
  • Fisher, Robert / Karger, Howard [1996] 
    Social Work and Community in a Private World
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
    Code of Ethics
    Approved by the 1996 NASW Delegate Assembly and revised by the 1999 NASW Delegate Assembly. The code of ethics is intended to serve as a gujide to the everyday professional conduct of social workers. It describes the social work profession's mission and core values, provides an overview of the main function of the code, a brief guide for dealing with ethical issues or dilemmas in social work practice, and a specifies ethical stahndardsto guide social workers' conduct to provide a basis for adjudication.
  • New Social Worker Online, The 
    The electronic version of the american magazine devoted especially to social work students and recent graduates. Some of the contributions are full-text articles. It includes a list of links on social work.
  • Sociaal-Cultureel Werk 
    Information about Community Work, Youthwork and Welfare work. Presented by: ROC Midden-Brabant College DGO. The Netherlands.
  • Social Work Access Network (SWAN)
    A loosely-organized interest group composed of caseworkers, counselors, therapists, students, administrators, and professors in the social work fields. SWAN is dedicated to furthering professional connectivity and the overall effectiveness of social work through the advantages provided by computer networking. Editor: Peter Thomas (Univ. of South Carolina).
  • Social Work History Station 
    A cyberhistory of social work's formative years. Editor: Dan Huff, School of Social Work, Boise State University, USA.
  • Treffpunkt Sozialarbeit
    Facilitates electronic exchange of information and experiences between professionals and students in the german speaking world.
  • Virtual Social Work (VSW)
    An information gateway for social workers in the UK. It facilitates professional networking via e-mail, bulletin boards, newsgroups and mailing lists. It includes all sorts of handy resources such as complete TV listings of programmes about social issues or current affairs, jobsearches etc. It's a non-commercial private venture of Conny Carnuth.
  • Youth Work Links (SocioSite)

Academic Departments

Associations and Societies

Journals and Magazines

  • Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work [table of content]
    A scholarly social work journal that addresses the concerns of social workers and their clients from a feminist point of view. It offers a mix of research reports, new theory and creative approaches to the challenges confronting women.
  • British Journal of Social Work [table of content + abstracts]
    The journal of the British Association of Social Workers is a leading academic social work journal in the UK. The journal tries to cover every aspect of social work and wants to keep up to date with theoretical and empirical developments in the field, and it seems they are closing in to this goal.
  • Critical Social Work [full-text]
    An interdisciplinary journal dedicated to social justice. Editors: Richard Pozzuto, Sylvia Hawranick and Roger Lohman.
  • Electronic Journal of Social Work [full text]
    A peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes papers from all areas relates to social work education and practice.
  • Hong Kong Journal of Social Work (HKJSW) [full text]
    A bilingual publication of the Hong Kong Social Workers Association Limited. It is committed to the improvement of practice, extension of knowledge and promotion of communications in very broad fields of social work.
  • New Social Worker Online [table of content]
    Editor: Linda May Grobman.
  • Social Service Review [table of content + abstracts]
    Committed to an examination of social welfare and to an evaluation of its effects. The Review publishes articles on a wide range of topics, including poverty, ethnicity, income distribution, family conflict, social welfare policy, mental health services, community development, and deviancy. Editor: Michael R. Sosin.
  • Technology in the Human Services [table of content + abstracts]
    A quarterly journal devoted to the dissemination of information about the application of information and information technology in the human services. It explores the potential of computer and telecommunications technologies in mental health, social work, developmental disability, welfare, addictions, education, and other human services. It covers the full range of technological applications, including direct service techniques.

Reference: Guides and Links Collections


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